Friday, June 10, 2011

Personal: A Baby. On Board. =)

I wrote this blog post 4 weeks ago. I was thinking I'd announce our new life this way...then changed my mind and decided to wait until we had more details! All things considered, I thought I'd still share what I was thinking at that point. Life has taken some crazy turns lately, but I think I've had it pretty easy. All things considered. Without going into much detail, I have been treated as "high-risk" since day one. I was born with an anomaly that I was unaware of until this news...but God has been good and He has continued to bless us and keep me, and this baby (A BOY!), healthy! =) For those of your who have been curious about this's the blog I left unpublished for so long.


I have an announcement to make. It's hard to believe...STILL, but it might help some of you make sense of my lack of posts, my timing, or randomness of edits. =) I want to preface this by saying this has been/is one of the craziest, most fun, most scary times of my life. I am happy beyond words! And also timidly trying to find my way.

I suppose the easiest way is to just come out and say it...but then again maybe it's better to just share a letter I wrote instead. Sometimes letters are just better. =)

Here goes!! ...



Your 13 Week Profile Shot. You. Are. Adorable. xo


Anonymous June 21, 2011 at 8:02 PM  

He is a very handsome little boy Jason and Shannon, Congrats to you both, I cannot wait to meet him. Love Sheila

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