Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pottery Barn and Chai...with a tree

Today it actually feels like December in our little household. No snow outside yet, but we slept in late today...and we finally have our Christmas tree! And the coolest part? The greatest dad in the world, yea that's my dad, built me the BEST little crate. I got inspired after rummaging through Pottery Barn catalogs all year and wanted our Christmas tree on a crate...wrapped in burlap from our nursery. Yea. Like that. And when you ask my dad to build something...he goes all out. It looks entirely old and vintage! My brother Michael helped me pick a tree from the hundreds we have outside...then cut it for me twice...because I can't make my own decisions. =) My amazing husband and I then spent the evening listening to music, sipping Chai, and decorating. With black ornaments. Because that's how we roll, lol. The dogs made a mess, er, even helped, too. =) It was awesome. And I love it. Might even get ambitious and add a little "Charlie" one next to it...just because I can.


Oh, and thanks Kimmer for the Eiffel Tower ornament you bought me years ago! It now means more to me than ever. xo



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