Saturday, March 20, 2010


The last few weeks have been, er, say the least... I have been able to relax and focus on only the things most important to me. And while I'm so blessed to be able to experience such "relaxation" and time off, I'm looking forward to the change that inevitably comes this time of year: a little slice of the pie named "my crazy life." Our tree nursery is growing and we're constantly working on improving it. More trees, less overhead, more profit, less cost, better trees, a new barn, a larger, more capable staff..and on and on. Each year, it's stressful when I'm suddenly thrust into an insane schedule, but it's about this time that I welcome it because too much time to focus on whatever, sometimes leaves me...well...a bit bored. I have plenty to do, don't get me wrong, but when I am given the choice to choose my schedules, I make them easy and doable. In addition, I'm a bit of an overachiever, so I'm never late, and usually allot more time than is actually needed on any given project. I'm also quick, so I end up accomplishing things faster than I'd planned...which leads to more time on my hands. Bottom line: I know I'll regret saying this, but I'm excited to stand in the sun and bake while watering my trees and talking to my crazy customers. ;) Haha. Once I get my fix, I think I'll probably look back and wish I were sleeping until 11 each morning again and staying up late loving on my husband. But for now, life is good and I'm trying to embrace the inevitable change in my "freedom" that comes with owning my own business...or two. Until this change comes...which is usually around April 15th...I'm going to soak up my home, my husband, and my doggies. Oh, and our new cozy bed! The hours I spend in it make the endless search for a mattress all seem absolutely and most positively necessary, now that I sleep like I'm on clouds. Minor point, but a good one. ;)

In short, no blog is worth a read without a visual. In all of my relaxation, I've taken on numerous photo shoots at leisure. All were shot at my home studio, so it's been pretty fantastic. I've messed around with my editing and lights...wondering if I'll ever stop craving a new, more modern style to my photography. Oh well. Change is growth, and I'm just not done growing.

xo, Shanny


Birdee Couch

Alexis Smoking


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