Friday, December 31, 2010

Cold Noses & Joy

This morning was snowy outside *finally!!* and I snuggled close to J and was thankful. For warmth, for my bed, for someone to snuggle with, and for my tiny family. My God is awesome. Thus is my life!

I peeked across the covers at the dogs in their beds all cozy and thought let's go play in the snow! Even though they were sleeping just a minute ago...both looked at me like I'd just said you get to eat steak tonight! =)

So we bundled up, left J in bed, and went outside. My little pups are always so good at putting things into perspective for me. I watched them play outside for as long as their paws allowed and the little noses could handle.

On the last calendar day of the year, these dogs have given me joy. I wish everyone nothing short of the same...

May you discover new adventures you never thought possible:

May you learn to really hear the quiet and take a moment to let it all in:

May you stare fear in the eye and take it on!

May you shake yourself off when bad things happen:

Take a moment...but pick yourslef up...

And keep moving forward...

Most of all may 2011 bring you health, wealth, LOVE, and most of all JOY!

Sieze today. Sieze tomorrow. Thank God for your life and revel in it!
Happy New Year.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Luke 2:11

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It's already here. Came too fast for me. Christmas tree sales are over and I'm starting to feel a weight being lifted. It's time for less stress. True family time, and an excellent next few days!

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and truly soaks up what Sat is all about: a little baby.
(Luke 2:11)


Friday, December 10, 2010 apple pie & 90210...

It's your day!! My best friend, it's your birthday. You're the single greatest thing that's ever happened to me. Ever. I wonder sometimes, how did I land you? I mean, I'm pretty freakin' great I think, but're amazing. I think about how when we fight, we fight. But when we love, we love. It's never in-between for you and I. We always speak our minds. Say 100% percent whatever we're thinking. Wrong or right. Hurtful or not. The thing's molded us into one awkwardly perfect couple. We go together. Fit together. Like a glove. Like apple pie and 90210. The C and the Blurd. And we work together. Every waking moment of our lives. And it's perfect. I wish everyone could know such love.

I think back to what made you so amazing in the first place. And when did I fall in love? Perhaps it was when

*you started sweating the first time we held hands at the roller-rink
*we snuck away at a halloween party to share hot-wings in the bathroom as kids
*you picked me up for our first date, with the biggest bouquet of flowers i'd ever seen
*you braided my hair in the back of a bus in the 7th grade
*or when you left me notes on my car in highschool
*you bought me my very first digital camera in the 12th grade...and told me I was an amazing photographer
*you parked once on top of a mountain...just so we could talk
*you wore my thumb ring on your ring finger because i was yours
*you wrote me a letter each day i was gone visiting colleges.
*you sat at all my games in high school...watching me sit the bench because of a loser coach
*or when you broke into my basement bedroom to decorate it while I was in class
*you ran out of gas on the highway and had to physically run a mile to the gas-station
*you ran out of gas for the 4th time since we'd met
*you told me my hair looked awful in platinum
*or when you paid for my haircut shortly after because I was broke
*you employed both of my brothers, creating a bond a girl only dreams her "boys" would share
*you listened for hours on the phone about how I was lonely in Cali with no friends
*you surprised me with a visit the day after i'd surprised you!
*you surprised me with a car for graduation and a smirk that said, babe, nothing is out of the question.
*or when you delivered a note from the "dogs" on my 24th birthday...and i cried
*it could be because you watch 90210 with me religiously
*or when I found out you were a snuggler
*you started setting the alarm for church
*you dressed up for halloween whenever i wanted
*you gave my 83 year old grandfather your undivided attention while he reminisced about life
*or the time you called me on the phone just to tell me you'd almost hit a bird while driving and were entirely upset about it
*you supported my every dream...then made them a reality
*you refused to buy me Kay pendants
*you listened to Lady Gaga on repeat before she was famous
*we ate rocket for dinner in Fiji
*you let me play with a kangaroo for hours in OZ
*or when you prayed with me the night I swore the cruise ship was going down in the Tasman sea
*you put up with three mattress exchanges when we switched one does that
*or when you comfort me when i'm sad for no reason...on my birthday(s)
*you came to watch me walk my first fashion-show
*you road a gondola with me on our 7th anniversary in Venice
*or when we had the worst anniversary dinner ever
*we rode a bus for 5 hours a day in Europe...just so we could stop in a place for five minutes and take pictures
*you made me laugh so hard i cried myself into coughing fits
*you walked into the room...

It's hard because there are so many things we've done, shared, seen, dreamed, and accomplished together...and I hate that I can't remember them all. All I know--that I'm more sure of than anything in this world--is that I love you. More than I can say. More than I can express, and more than you'll ever understand.

Hang on boy! Our lives are only going to get better.
I wish you the happiest birthday ever my love!
xo, Shanny


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pottery Barn and Chai...with a tree

Today it actually feels like December in our little household. No snow outside yet, but we slept in late today...and we finally have our Christmas tree! And the coolest part? The greatest dad in the world, yea that's my dad, built me the BEST little crate. I got inspired after rummaging through Pottery Barn catalogs all year and wanted our Christmas tree on a crate...wrapped in burlap from our nursery. Yea. Like that. And when you ask my dad to build something...he goes all out. It looks entirely old and vintage! My brother Michael helped me pick a tree from the hundreds we have outside...then cut it for me twice...because I can't make my own decisions. =) My amazing husband and I then spent the evening listening to music, sipping Chai, and decorating. With black ornaments. Because that's how we roll, lol. The dogs made a mess, er, even helped, too. =) It was awesome. And I love it. Might even get ambitious and add a little "Charlie" one next to it...just because I can.


Oh, and thanks Kimmer for the Eiffel Tower ornament you bought me years ago! It now means more to me than ever. xo


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

it's the smile...not the mess

Tonight I edited photos--in between blowing my nose and coughing with the ridiculous cold I have--but after a few minutes of constant banging coming from the dog's room, I had to stop. What the heck?!


It's still more fun to play with your food, then it is to actually eat it. I'm happy for the smile he just gave me...not the mess. ;)
BTW, yes, my dogs have a "room", lol.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

it took a Maple to remind me...

I want to from all my latest shoots...images of what life's been like, but life's so busy, so full, so fun, that I haven't had time. It's funny because sometimes I'm upset about not being able to post, upload, announce, or edit every little thing I've done, but then I stop a second and think: Hey Shan? You're to busy living life to stop and share it. Lol. Okay so it's not such a bad thing...but I LOVE sharing. Mostly because it helps me remember. And I can look back and grin, laugh, or even cry at something I might have otherwise forgotten.

Tonight though, I have to share just one thing: a moment today that gave me pause.

Today was Saturday. My Saturdays, unlike that of most everyone I know, are not relaxing. It's not full of dog walks, sleeping in, yard work, or catching the latest matinée. Saturday are crazy! Running a tree nursery with my husband, Jason, is the joy of my life (aside from my photography), but today we averaged 4.3 sales an hour. That's insane! Insane for a company like mine to be THAT busy in late October! For a few moments, I allowed myself to become overwhelmed while I dealt with customer after customer after customer. My mind was thinking of a million different things:

"the client standing in front of me talking
I'd love some shade in our yard, maybe color?
where are our shade trees ..what size are they?
how much?
ah, her little kid is so cute I wish I had my camera
wait my camera! did I email that model yet?
from LA? we're on right?
yes, the tree's gets 45 feet
the colors are intense...a burning crimson, slightly orange/pink
oh man I should order pizza for the boys
where's Jason?!
I probably won't have time to get the dog's shots they need before I leave
I leave
Ahh! So much to do
So much stress it's making my face break out...
i never break out, what's going on
ugh, it's only cosmetic, but you're causing it!
...Man it's so nice outside
stop complaining
God is good...soak it up Shannon.
life's amazing.
cute kid.
that's awesome, my favorite trees are October Glory
of course we match prices, here, let me show them to you..."


Insane right? It was staring at this tree when I stopped....again. Like I haven't learned this already 100 times over: Luke 12:22-31. "[...] not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these [...]" Life is good. I am blessed. I love my life!! And for whatever reason, it took an October Glory Maple to remind me of that.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Eddie's bad kinda day...

My little boy Eddie went to the groomers today. Usually he loves it and when he comes home softer than down and smelling like a mint julep, er, well, I LOVE it, but he doesn't complain. At least usually. Today was different however; his day turned into the terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad day kind of day--because usually Eddie get's shaved by Jenny. A sweet girl who seemed to have taken a special liking to Eddie when I first brought him a few years ago. Jenny and Eddie get along. And when he's all done being cut, washed, clipped, and perfumed, she always give him a super positive report card. She even files his nails and shaves the pads of his feet! But Jenny wasn't there today. I knew about it. Thought about rescheduling. But decided I'd already put his pampering session off a little too long...and I could barely see his big, brown eyes anymore, so I took him in. Shortly after a phone call, I was kind of regretting it:

"Shannon? Yea, um, this is the pet groommers and I wanted to let you know that Eddie moved a little bit on the table and so his groomer kind of cut his ear a little bit. We took him to the vet and we think it's totally fine now and it's got some good glue on it, so he's ready to go."! This is my baby and you cut his ear a "little bit" and put "glue" on it?! I think I even laughed because of how ridiculous it sounded. I stuttered for awhile and said I'd be in to pick him up as soon as I could. When I arrived I was asked to pay. Wait, what? "Well, um yes you do. I mean, we only cut him a little, so..." Lol. So. Right. Obviously I should have known that the only way a $60 hair-cut would be comped, would have been if they'd cut him "really bad." Thanks for the clarity. I can forgive the groomer, but when a manager tells you they can't waive the hair-cut fee and then said they can't really be to blame because it was my dog who moved his head during his shave...something's gotta give. And it wasn't my wallet. ;)

He's all in one piece and looking rather cute, but as a mommy, I can see a little bit of his confidence in my groomer-choosing ability slip away. Little guy didn't even wag his tail or want a picture of his new do, poor thing. I'm spending tonight making it up to him: peanut-butter treats and a snuggle on the couch. Tomorrow, we'll be calling Jenny.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Fall Night...

I always say I'm going to be a better blogger. And then each and every day and night go by...for days, weeks, and then two months before I say, what is wrong with me?! Just sit down for a second. Write. Breathe. and post!! I have SO much I want to say and so much to share by the way of images, but even more stuff I want to do. The problem? I'm doing SO much already it's entirely irrational. I think, though, it's how I stay sane. I have to be busier than is healthy for most people. Sometimes I'm afraid that if I stop, my heart will I keep pushing on, keep working, and keep dreaming. I never thought I'd have so many dreams. Life is so short and I've always dreamed big, but when I started seeing all my dreams come true, I thought: "Crap, I need bigger dreams!" lol. So here I am. Sitting for only a second before I really should be getting back to photo editing, writing back my customers about trees during our super busy fall, throwing a ball for Eddie to keep him happy, planning back and forth with Jason about our upcoming trips and car show, and my scheduling of upcoming shoots. Did I mention that I work everyday of the week and workout with my brother M, W, F after work? wow. the days are packed. jam-packed F.U.L.L. ...and yet, I find the time live. Really live. I do love. I do soak it up and soak it in. If the world ended tomorrow, I'd feel accomplished. I would know I was wholly loved and that I, myself, loved with all my being. Tomorrow, will most likely be here. It's Sunday. So I'll start it off with church and a good sermon with my husband, followed by a quick brunch with the grandparents before hitting the trees again.

I took a small second for myself tonight...after viewing this sunset. It helped me pause...for just a second so I remembered to say thank you. Thank you, God. For my blessings. This is gorgeous!! Just as it is. Even in this busy, busy, moving world. Raw.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

♥ A B&E Wedding ♥

So it's been WAY too long since I last wrote. I have no time. Like literally, the clock is not my friend these days. It spins like the little blue birdies do on Looney Tunes when the characters hit their heads! *lol* But anyway, I've been dying to post some images from the last wedding I did with Brianne and Eric Haagenson...two of the coolest people I've met in a long time!!

This wedding lite a fire under me and! I was in love with every shot I took because for one, the couple was absolutely stunning and their love radiated the entire day, and two, my side-kick (main photographer of the night), Jarrod, was/is entirely inspiring as an artist. I can hardly wait for my next wedding...or shoot with either of these three awesome people!!


Evolution of Love

Getting Ready

Bride with maids


Roses and Maids




Rose Petals

Street Walking

Veiled Love

Fish Eye Kiss



So glad I could be part of your day! xo you two!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Busy as a Bee...and a little Birdee thrown in! =)

So it's here: my busiest time. I was expecting it and trying to get ready for it, but it came faster than I thought and doesn't seem to be exhausting itself. Days that are so full they go by like the wind and I wonder if I've breathed at all during the week. ;) Things are good, don't get me wrong, but frightfully jam-packed. Today at the nursery, Jason's grandma stopped by and I wondered how long it would be before someone would let me step away to say hello! After a quick kiss and a hug, Jason and I were like little worker bees running around answering questions, phone calls, emails, and then selling plants and educating customers. All while trying to manage the employees and find someone to bring us lunch. ;) I started telling my dad a story today and was interrupted so many times by the phone and by customers, I finally looked at him and said, yea, so I guess we'll have to reschedule this conversation--lol! It's a fun time for sure, though...and while I'm exhausted, I'm thankful for the business and the craziness our life brings.

With that said, it hasn't left much time for photoshoots. No nearly as many as I want, anyway. And the ones I've done are still sitting in their folders, patiently waiting for edits. =) I was fortunate enough to join Jarrod Renaud at an amazing wedding over Memorial Day weekend though. The bride was absolutely stunning and I can't wait to dive into the images and show them off! Between Jarrod and I...I'm pretty sure this wedding album is going to be dope. Holla!!

Because all blogs are better with images, here is a few shots from my latest shoot with the infamous Birdee Bow--lead singer in the pop-band Plastic Parachute. You can see more of what Birdee's about after reading her blog. She rocks...literally!

Garage Door

After our shoots, we stepped outside to wait for her ride. It was the shots by the garage door and my little pup, Eddie, that turned out the best I think. =) I can't wait for Birdee's big break in music, btw. One of my favorite songs, Four Alarm Fire, is just amazing! She's stellar at singing and such a joy to be around. As you can see...even Eddie adores her.

Eddie and Birdee


Sunday, May 16, 2010


In the previous post, I explain why I went to visit my Nebraska family...but here are some images of Nebraska farm life...the adventures I had before Jake's high school graduation!




My Grandma is in ♥ with Uncle T's cows. ;)


This horse was cracking me up! He kept sneezing, poor thing.


Little cow wants food too...look how he's pushing his way in. Haha!

My brother, Alan, and I posing by my cousin Sarah's horse...which strangely kept turning it's butt towards us! Haha.

Getting some silhouette shots for Alan's art class. ;) It's nice have a sister who's a photographer.


Some of Jake's cheering squad--Alan and I, My Uncle "T" and my cousin Sarah, the G-parents, and my mom and I.

My NE Family

Last weekend, I headed home. Okay so not really. I live in Boulder, CO, but I was born in Nebraska. It's something people have always teased me about, but you know what? You can't choose which state you're born for me...going to NE was like going back to my roots. Okay again so not really...but it sounds like a good story, right?

Actually the real reason I went was to visit my Uncle's family and to celebrate the high school graduation of my cousin, Jake. Unfortunately, none of us get to see each other very often; but since my brother Alan was making the drive too, I decided to tag along and surprise Jake...leaving the grueling nursery work to Jason and Michael: bless their hearts. ;)

This graduation was particularly special for me and a great accomplishment for Jake that went way beyond being just being "good" in school. In the fall of 2003, Jake had fallen ill...something strange started making him stick...and then it started to turn deadly. A stomach ache turned into an inability to eat, which then turned into sharp pains that ran throughout his legs...rendering him paralyzed from the waist down for quite awhile. He saw doctor after doctor and had treatment after treatment...even making it to the Mayo Clinic, I believe, to only hear that no one really knew what was wrong. He had a feeding tube at one point and by 2005 was spending his days disabled and hardly mobile in a wheelchair. It broke my heart to see my Uncle "T" carry his son to my own brother's graduation that year. Jake's face was plump, but his body had diminished in size as he sat crookedly in that awful my uncle dotingly pushed Jake around in.

Back at "home," my family only heard minimal updates on Jake's progress...but one day, after what seemed like an eternity of prayers, we heard some amazing news. After surgery and rehabilitation on both of Jake's legs, he started regaining his strength... and then slowly but surely, regained his ability to eat normally again. And although he and my uncle especially were reluctant and entirely skeptical, he visited an acupuncturist...and noticed things actually started to feel better! Shortly after that, my grandmother started sending me photos and I couldn't believe Jake was standing on his own two feet! I honestly feel his journey towards total health has been nothing short of a miracle. ;)

So I went to NE. I went to see this outstanding accomplishment! His high school graduation wasn't outstanding because we thought he couldn't do was outstanding because for so long, some of us weren't sure he'd actually make it...and we had also thought, if he does, Uncle"T" might have to physically push his chair through it.

When I pulled up to Jake's house, I think I was more shocked than he was! ...he stood SO tall right in front of me! Beaming his charming little smile...all 6' of him! It seems like nothing ever happened. Unbelievable.

Here are some pictures of Jake in all his glory!

Jake and I:


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Montane Threads: Phar North Shoot

Phar North co-creator, Evan Tennant, and I went to high school's amazing how long ago that feels. ;) His most recent endeavor, amongst avid snowboarding, includes the creation of a new clothing line that that was derived solely for "alpine athletes." Phar North uses only organic and sustainable materials made in the United States and the shirts are comfortable, stylish, and durable. One of the shirts I shot was made from bamboo! It was unbelievably soft, but thick enough to perform athletically. I'm for sure keeping one for myself! ;)

Here are some preview shots of my lastest shoot with this line.










Geoff Grassau
Kevin Shiramizu
Annelise Jorgenson
Kyle Spencer
Alan Crabbs
Jarrod Renaud
Jason Von Eschen


Follow me!


I love...rain
I husband
I love...slurpees
I two dogs
I laugh
I camera
I cuddle
I love



About Me

My photo
I am inspired by people and motivated by life. Photography is nothing short of a joy! I have the greatest husband anyone could ask for and am a new mommy: I am truly blessed.



My Love.

My Love.



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