WPPI - The Nitty Gritty
I had no idea what it was going to be like, but I did expect to learn something. I just didn't expect to learn *this* much! WPPI was an amazing experience as as I said before, I'm overwhelmed with ideas and inspiration. Between Jasmine, Jose, Jill LaFleur, the Women in Contemporary Photography, and Photographer's Ignite, I'm spent. We had other classes too, but these 5 were the TOPS. Highlights for sure!
I should start off by apologizing for the abnormally long post. If I lose you here, no worries. I just don't want to forget this last week! I'm getting into the nitty gritty...the long way. =)
Opening night we went to a fashion show with Nigel Barker. Pretty awesome seeing him just right there. At one point he asked for volunteers to model for him on stage...and unless I started punching people out, I knew I wasn't going to get it. Alas, though. How sick would it have been to have said that I was shot by Nigel Barker?! Um, so insane I'd probably pass out. Or blubber like an idiot and literally not remember my name...oh wait, I did that with Jasmine Star too! Ugh. ;)
Anyway, here are some pics. First, Mr. Barker:
Jason and I in the Grand Garden Arena:
Seeing Jasmine rock it out:
Then Jose Villa! I took this picture of my husband who listened to Jose's 3 hour class too...totally worth it!!
Opp, then watching Jasmine talk at the Kubota booth...Jason took this picture of me standing in the crowd surrounding Kevin Kubota's booth that hour. =)
And beautiful Jill LaFleur's classroom!! This woman is amazing. Such an inspiration and for sure it was more pleasant listening with all the stunning decor she filled the room with.
And no stone was left unturned. Even her business card and info was stunningly wrapped for us! Jill, you rock! Swoon. =)
One class I didn't photograph, but was entirely worth the trip to Vegas was the Women in Contemporary Photography speech. Nine wonderful women who run super successful photography businesses spoke about their approach, their beliefs, and their advice. The arena was full of women, but luckily we landed a spot 2 seats over from Jasmine's husband, JD, so Jason knew he wasn't the only guy there. =) Kidding. But there were a lot of women...and the girls flocked to JD just as much as Jasmine. At one point, Jason looked at me and said, I honestly don't know how they deal with that! Props to you guys honestly...because at conventions like this, you've for sure reached celebrity status!! But back to the class. The women were amazing!
--Catherine Hall spoke about gaining confidence in your value as a photographer. Believing that you're worth what you charge. Because regardless of what the numbers are, you are worth what you ultimately believe you are! Uh, note to self.
--Jasmine talked about outsourcing the 2 things you're the weakest at doing. So if you can't design albums well, or some aspect of your business seems to be the bane of your existence, then outsource it. She also mentioned how severely important she thinks your online storefront is. And how blogging has made her who she is. People see her in everything she does. She has a thumb-print on literally e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, so her brand is now desired by a ton of brides. Even non-brides. And yet, she says people are attracted to people who are like themselves. Thus when someone doesn't like your style, awesome. Because it gets you closer to narrowing down YOUR brand. Noting...
--Lindsey Adler was a surprise because she shoots fashion. LOVE. Her approach was super similar to the others, but since she's so business savvy in the fashion world, it was like listening to a lightning storm because she just radiated power. Noted.
The other women were absolutely fabulous as well--Joy and Jules Bianchi, Jessica Claire, Kay Eskridge, Dawn Shields, and Sarah Petty--so check out their work. Women's work. Yaya.
As WPPI came to an end, there was another highlight, besides what I've just raved about. This last class, or show rather, called Photographer's Ignite sent us home with a bang. Basically 18 photographers get just 5 minutes to speak and share their wisdom with us. This made for the most entertaining morning. It was just plain fun for sure!! I had not expected to literally wipe tears from my eyes from laughter, but Kirsten Lewis gave me no choice. And Jasmine decides to get up their and give her words of wisdom in an acapella rap! Are you serious? Girl, you are ridiculous!! And if you want to see them both: click here.
Below is a photo of the fabulousness that #photoignite held.
Pictured above (in presenting order) is Kevin Kubota, Tracy Taylor & Dee Green, Scott Bourne, Jasmine Star, Wendy Roe, Tamara Lackey, Taylor Jackson, Becker (who is amazing as well...but I missed his class because of a flight. So sad.), Kirsten Lewis, Dale Benfield, Lydia Shannon, Kimberlee West & Marissa Boucher, Mike Larson, Vicki Taufer, Rosaura Sandoval, Jason Groupp and Joy & Jule Bianchi.
All you guys are superheros. I loved every minute.
Can't wait for next year!
Happy Tuesday!! ~Shannon
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