Monday, November 26, 2012

Personal: Giving Thanks & Sharing Joy

So here's the thing...I'm REALLY behind on work so I'm taking a much needed break. Rest from work. Nap. Wait, who am I kidding?! I'm doing the opposite!! I'm working on this session from September and trying to catch up: 


And I'm feeling pretty awesome about working right now!

In honor of Thanksgiving, my 29th birthday, and the fact that I'm finally feeling better (I've been sick for two weeks!), I want to share all my joy!
  I am giving away a free photoshoot! 

I know that there are some of your who'd love a sweet and cozy family session but can't afford it. Or some of you girls (and boys!) who have been wanting to shoot fashion with me, but are just too nervous to ask! Possibly you want awesome shots of you for your significant other...or maybe you want to do a couple's shoot and show everyone how in love you are. And I'm sure there are a few Mommy's out there who want their baby captured in pictures as they are now since they grow like weeds. I am SO up for all of that.

The person, or family chosen at random will receive a 1 hr photo session with me. All the jokes I tell while I'm shooting. And 10 fully edited shots on a disk with full printing rights. Oh! And a Candy Cane. Because, well, it's the Christmas Season! =)

So, here's how I might pick you (or someone you know)...and how you can rack up more "votes."

  1. "Like" my facebook fan page by clicking here and then clicking the "Like" button.
  2. "Suggest" my facebook page with one friend. 
  3. Leave a comment on one of my blog posts. It can be left on anything I've posted just as long as you leave a comment on my blog.
  4. Leave a message on my facebook page telling me your name (or page names) so I know that you've done the above.

  • You can nominate someone (in a comment on my facebook page or in a comment after this post) if you think they're more deserving than you because giving back rocks! Each nomination gives that person or family an extra vote. Nominations only count if you, too, follow Steps 1-4. ;)
  • You can follow me on Instagram (@shannyv) for an extra vote. 
  • The photoshoot must be scheduled before December 17th or anytime after February 10th if the Holidays are already too hectic to think about a shoot. =) 
  • Session themes and ideas must be approved by me in advance and they must take place in Boulder County. And this cannot be applied to sessions already booked. 
  • Nominations, Likes, and Comments must happen by NOON on December 1st. The next day, I will announce the fabulous peep(s) who gets to spend time with me! 
  • Oh and send me questions if you have them! 

Okay GO! I will pick a winner at random using my math skillz! Actually I'll be using my husband's math skills and an old fashioned hat drawing to choose the winner. (Let's be redundant: Complete Steps 1 through 4 and your name gets written down and put in a hat. If you do anything beyond that such as follow me on Instagram, or receive a nomination, your name gets written down again. And again.)

I can't wait! Thanks for reading...and at the very least, I'll be having a free family session with my baby and two dogs, because I'm sure they're dying for more one-on-one camera-time with me. Totally. ;)

The above photo was styled by Hunter Leone of Three Nails Photography


Rebecca Slaughter November 26, 2012 at 2:00 PM  

I have liked your page and follow you on instagram! Would love to be in the contest!!! :)

jnc001 November 26, 2012 at 2:36 PM  

I like your FB, I left a comment on the shoot I wish I had gone with you to :(, And I follow you on instagram!!! I am also posting a link to my FB so people can enter this contest! :) xo jessica

Unknown November 26, 2012 at 2:56 PM  

Your pictures are absolutely stunning! You're quite the talented gal. I would love to be considered for the contest :) Happy holidays!!!

Courtney Lee Photography November 26, 2012 at 3:28 PM  

I love your work Shannon! I would absolutely love to win a shoot with you!

Irishgoddess45 November 27, 2012 at 3:25 AM  

I am almost positive I have done all the steps, don't know what instagram is so did not do that yet, will ask one of my boys for help with that later today, they may frown at being woke up at 3 am for this. Lol You know what I think of your work, spectacular, overjoyus(not a real word) but it fits, you can see your spirit in the pictures you take. I private messaged you what I would use it for, looking forward to hearing, Lov She

Irishgoddess45 November 27, 2012 at 3:26 AM  
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Ali Brannan November 27, 2012 at 8:30 PM  

I've done everything plus a few extra ;)

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