Saturday, June 25, 2011

Personal: A Belly.

So I've had a ton of people asking to see pictures of my belly. I think it's so funny how much all of us really want to peer into someone else's life. I mean, I'm the same way...or else I wouldn't check facebook 9 times a day or drool over wedding blogs. But alas, here it is. I wonder if it'll be worth all the fuss. =) The picture on the left suddenly seems like a lifetime ago. Was I really that small at 11weeks?

Let me just say I'm happy, healthy, still working like a dog, and so proud that so good!

11weeks vs. 25weeks

Happy Monday Everyone. =)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Styled Shoot: Hannah's Bridals

So here's the thing about bridal shoots...styled bridal shoots included. The shoot is geared towards you, the bride! It's a session JUST about you and we'll showcase how you're glowing from head to toe all in love. Most of these sessions occur before the actual ceremony so we get a chance to meet and hang out, but they're also a way for you to preview what your wedding photos will look like in my style, while getting a chance to be a glamorized model for a day. I love all things wedding, but I'm addicted to all things fashion. So when I get to combine the two...well...fireworks!

Case in point: Hannah is gorgeous. She makes my camera smile. It just clicks with glee and won't quit when they're together. Or maybe that's me. I just can't seem to stop pressing the shutter. =)

Here is our sunny first-set this spring. Hannah, you are fabulous! xo














Girl, you are SO fierce! =)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Personal: A Baby. On Board. =)

I wrote this blog post 4 weeks ago. I was thinking I'd announce our new life this way...then changed my mind and decided to wait until we had more details! All things considered, I thought I'd still share what I was thinking at that point. Life has taken some crazy turns lately, but I think I've had it pretty easy. All things considered. Without going into much detail, I have been treated as "high-risk" since day one. I was born with an anomaly that I was unaware of until this news...but God has been good and He has continued to bless us and keep me, and this baby (A BOY!), healthy! =) For those of your who have been curious about this's the blog I left unpublished for so long.


I have an announcement to make. It's hard to believe...STILL, but it might help some of you make sense of my lack of posts, my timing, or randomness of edits. =) I want to preface this by saying this has been/is one of the craziest, most fun, most scary times of my life. I am happy beyond words! And also timidly trying to find my way.

I suppose the easiest way is to just come out and say it...but then again maybe it's better to just share a letter I wrote instead. Sometimes letters are just better. =)

Here goes!! ...



Your 13 Week Profile Shot. You. Are. Adorable. xo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bridal Sneak Peek: Brytny & Joe

She is vintage fabulous, chic and pristine. He is calm and collected...with a little dose of funny.


More of this HUGE collaborative session later....

(Huge thanks to Hair and Makeup team Aphrodite Affairs and to Fleur Decor for the amazing Bridal Bouquet and Boutonniere.)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Personal: Slowly, but surely!

I don't think I realized, at least on a literal level, how much time being pregnant takes up. (Have I announced that on here?!) Jason and I had a date tonight at a movie and a had to leave twice to go to the restroom. And I get home from nursery sales in the heat all day and suddenly I'm all ways possible. This might not be a good thing considering I still have a ways to go. Although, it's no small feat that I'm a little over half-way there! Success!!

Anyway, part of being slightly out of it has made me slow on pictures. But I have some amazing shots to post and a huge wedding collaborative shoot on Tuesday! Here's to tons of gorgeous pictures gracing my web-pages in the near future!

For now, here's a peak from a shoot I did with beautiful Hannah! Gah, she's a dream.

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