Wedding: Hannah & Paul
In December, I had the pleasure of shooting, once again, with a fave. Mark Hayes is an amazing, amazing photographer, but he's also an amazing person. I am so inspired by him and hope that one day, I'll be half as good. If you aren't familiar with his photography, I highly suggest you check it out and click here.
The day was December 18th, and I had the pleasure of shooting the most beautiful wedding. Hannah and Paul Oliver chose amazing venues and all-around beautiful decor. Their attention to detail in everything they did blew me away.
Trinity Methodist Church held the ceremony and The Brown Palace hosted their reception. Their wedding was beautiful! And the perfect start to the Holiday season.
Here are some of my "2nd/3rd-shooter" pics:
The beautiful Brown Palace. Doesn't get any better for an indoor celebration!
I can't exactly explain what makes me love these next few images so much, but it's probably because my view through balcony rails framed it perfectly. As perfectly as my mind saw it. Because Mark held the grounds of the church, I was positioned high above the guests, to shoot down, onto the ceremony. During a brief musical interlude, I took a moment to see the wedding in a new light. And I shot creatively, with no rules on exposure or composition. I cherish images like these...because they express better than I can what I was feeling as I shot. And gives viewers a new way to look through my lens. Mmm, Love.
A second favorite! Right after the ceremony, I headed down the cathedral's stairs from the sanctuary so formal pictures could start, but suddenly realized a moment was being shared. Through the staircase railing--click, click. Perfect.
See what I mean about their attention to detail? Beautiful!
It's hard to explain, but something about this image gets me. It's like a secret handshake, or unspoken code of love. It's official. You had your cake and you ate it. Finito.
This is the best part about second-shooting: I get a totally different perspective. And I love it!
May you have a super fun marriage H&P! Many Blessings!
Note: Another outstanding individual and highly sought-out wedding photographer, Dain Linder was there too. His work is nothing short of genius. See for yourself: click here. Hannah's flowers were designed by The Brown Palace Flower Shop. Superb!
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