Ahh Fall!!!
So this is absolutely my favorite, most favorite time of year. For one, I live in a place where even when it's cold, the air is crisp and clean and the sky blue. I love Colorado. I don't think I could live anywhere else, honestly. And since my husband is the same way, we may be here awhile. =) But back to FALL. It's amazing. The colors fascinate me. Inspire me. Motivate me. I marvel at the wonders and beauties God has created on this earth. How could something that's dying (such as our trees) look so tremendous? Be so amazing? I have been blessed with a fabulous husband, a fabulous life, and a great job. All three have allowed for a sense of peace I never knew existed within me. Tree nursery life is magical and I sometimes find myself stilled by the beauty I am able to see each day. It's a great feeling. ;)